
Welcome to the 'The Blog'. Everything posted is purely for entertainment purposes and won't be taken down for any reasons other than legal or respect. Don't like what you see? Click the back button. Its that simple, making is any more difficult is your choice.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Worthy Art Collective

For those of you who still check this blog, your the first to find out something amazing. Rob Gnar is finally doing that 'mixtape' he kinda used to talk about. Its still in its early phases but trust me, it'll be ready to go before the end of the year. Stay posted. For now, I give you the front and back covers. Credit to Bailey M. for the amazing photographs. Its the look and feel I've always wanted with something like this. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

White River School: Complete

Well as many of you have pry heard, I am done with HS (finally) After a long and painful journey filled with roadblocks, bad weed, hangovers, homework and milk, I am proud to say I have accomplished what I set out to do. I know I have neglected the blog but its been for good reason. I've been working on a few pieces to post up in the near future, most likely after the Denver trip. Stay tuned, stay alert, stay educated!

Peace, Love, and Harmony

Rob Gnar

Pussy Woompkins

Friday, April 29, 2011

Word life.

Its been a minute or two since I last posted on here. I've had a lot going on lately, been busy with school, making  sure I survive, uh, thats about it. Honestly the road to Graduation is pretty hard. I'm struggling a bit and had a moment this week where I look out the window and thought, is it too much? can i make it? and that thought stayed with me all day, it wasnt annoying it was more like i whisper that i had to look back at and be like 'shut up dood, you may be right but seriously, shut up'. other than that, heres some pictures.
(Click to enlarge)
(worth a look)
(really, I even clicked just to see)

<3 Metal Gear Solid <3

I would suggest listening to this album. Its Hip Hop on a different level. 

Either your reaction after looking those pics, or you just realized you love this blog!

Peace, love and harmony
Rob Gnar