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Friday, April 29, 2011

Word life.

Its been a minute or two since I last posted on here. I've had a lot going on lately, been busy with school, making  sure I survive, uh, thats about it. Honestly the road to Graduation is pretty hard. I'm struggling a bit and had a moment this week where I look out the window and thought, is it too much? can i make it? and that thought stayed with me all day, it wasnt annoying it was more like i whisper that i had to look back at and be like 'shut up dood, you may be right but seriously, shut up'. other than that, heres some pictures.
(Click to enlarge)
(worth a look)
(really, I even clicked just to see)

<3 Metal Gear Solid <3

I would suggest listening to this album. Its Hip Hop on a different level. 

Either your reaction after looking those pics, or you just realized you love this blog!

Peace, love and harmony
Rob Gnar